For a better world

First of all, I shall use this blog to share technology infomation, especially Data Science. I shall share my economic view as well. So that if you have read some articles in this blog, I hope you can improve your insight of this world. Further more, It’s a good place to discuss some view on Some typical field, such as History and Manufacturing.

For you to gain some insight

In the Modern world, infomation is power, we shall spread high level technology infomation to gain our insight into reality as well as virtual world in computer. Nevertheless, a good insight to economics is also important to know how human civilization works, so hope you can enjoy here for a moment while you are reading an article in this blog.

About copyright

All articles here are under protected by banquanyin, so if you wanna to reprint an article from here, you should follow the demand of banquanyin.

In the end

If you have some suggestions to me, please send an email to


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